А story that explores the lives of Christine, Nassim and Marcello who, after they met by chance, become a part of each other. They explore their sexuality with absolute freedom through a polyamorous relationship in a journey between Los Angeles and Italy. Each of them struggles to prove their worth to their families, to themselves and to the world around them. The film examines the profound effect that strangers can have on each other's lives and how the unpredictable circumstances of events can radically change the course of a lifetime.

USA, 2019
Show me what you got
Svetlana Cvetko
Philip Noyce, Sergey Sarkisov, David Scott Smith, Nick Sarkisov
Cristina Rambaldi, Neyssan Falahi, Mattia Minasi
Best cinematography
Loudoun Arts Film Festival, 2020
Best supporting actress
Loudoun Arts Film Festival, 2020
Grand Prize
San Antonio Film Festival, 2020
Best cinematography
Santa Fe Film Festival, 2020
Best of Fest
High Falls Women' Film Fest, 2019
Best international film
Terra di Siena International Film Festival, 2019
Best Film
Taormina Film Fest, 2019 / "Show Me What You Got"